371 Stratigraphy and Correlation for Ancient Gulf of California and Baja

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Stratigraphy and correlation for the ancient Gulf of California and Baja California Peninsula, Mexico - BAP #371

This paper presents the first comprehensive stratigraphic correlation charts for both the Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of California area since Durham and Allison (1960). Forty-five columns show stratigraphic or lithologic units for San Diego, California, through western Baja California, Mexico, and the Salton Trough of California to the Islas Tres Marias, Nayarit, Mexico. Correlations are based on published and unpublished stratigraphic, paleontologic, and radiometric data. The columns refine the chronostratigraphic context for interpreting the geologic history of the ancient Gulf of California and a series of embayments along the western Baja California peninsula.

Anna Luisa Carreno, Judith Terry Smith

Pages: 146 pp., 81 text-figs., 2 charts

Issue: BAP 371

Year published: 2007

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