369 A Standing Ovation: Papers in Honor of Gilbert Klapper

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A Standing Ovation: Papers in Honor of Gilbert Klapper - BAP #369

Like most paleontologists, Gilbert Klapper started along traditional paths of biostratigraphy and taxonomy, but it was not long before he was walking his own road, much of it unpaved. Though he looked back to where we have been and produced exemplary studies in taxonomy and biostratigraphy, it was not long before multielement taxonomy and, later, graphic correlation and shape analysis, loomed on the horizon. In these areas he became a practitioner without peer, with high originality. His performance has been astounding, but there is much more to him than scientific research.

J.E. Barrick, H.R. Lane, eds.

Pages: 246

Issue: BAP 369

Year published: 2005

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